Believing in Your Dreams

Sylvia Jordan– Believing in Your Dreams


Believe, vision, taking risks, determination, inspiring friends, courage, and optimistic thoughts are seven essential success strategies needed to achieve your dreams, your goals, and accomplish success in your life.

The majority of people are filled with dreams, talents, gifts, and ideas lodged deep in their heart and lives. Several dreams came early in life as a child; some came even later as adults. Many times lives are lived unfulfilled because individuals lack a true vision of what their life can be like. As a result, working day to day in a position that falls shy of your true passion, only to receive a paycheck becomes the standard. The true essence of living life to it’s fullest is lost. Unfortunately, there has not been any action take to launch out to make an effort achieve your dreams. Regrettably, many lives are left without any vision and not lived purposefully.

It is important you unlock all of your potential and passionately pursue the dreams in your heart. Unlocking your true destiny is waiting for you. There is no longer time for you wait or waste any longer. These are seven successful strategies that must be implemented in our lives as we make a decision to move toward your dreams and develop without excuse your talents and special abilities. You must believe that you have been gifted and you have a unique distinction. Belief is a powerful word once put in action. All things are possible to those who believe. It is never, ever too late in life to get moving. It is however important to remember that having the right ingredients or components makes it more reachable and attainable in fervently living your life and pursing your dreams.

Action Steps to Move Toward Your Dreams:

  1. Write down every dream you have had. A dream is described as something you have longed or envisioned accomplishing in your lifetime.
  2. Be honest and ask yourself an honest and tough question- what do I need to do to organize myself to accomplish that dream? Do I have to go back to school? Do I need to take a class? What challenges do I need to tackle to make this happen?

Once you begin to ask yourself and answer these questions, you have taken the very important step of moving your life toward your dreams. You can live a good life and never fulfill your dreams, or you can make your life count by passionately pursuing what you believe you have been created on this earth to do. Really the choice comes down to you. Can you believe?

Weathering The Storm: Leading in Uncertain Times

Don Brawley

It’s been said that you are either in a storm, just coming out of a storm or headed towards a storm! While as a leader this isn’t the most encouraging news you’ve heard lately, it’s the reason why you’re a leader. It’s why you’re needed so badly!

Without storms, true leadership would never be required! People need leaders to help them navigate the uncertain feelings storms bring into their lives. Guess what? You are that leader! You’ve been called to lead other people through the storms of uncertainty and change.

In fact, God must think very highly of you for Him to trust you to lead in the 21st Century where change is the only thing on the planet that stays the same.  Constant changes in technology and the marketplace results in continual change in every sector of life including, the Church. You already know, His message never changes, but our methods must change if we will be effective in our mission. (Note: think of the Amish people and immediately you’ll understand why changes in our methods are a must)!

Moreover, the people you preach to, teach, and disciple live in a world, Monday through Friday, that shapes how they perceive, interact, and what they expect. For instance, you probably use e-mail to communicate with your congregants. Do you know why? It’s because your people were first exposed to it in the marketplace (on their jobs) and it became an acceptable and anticipated form of communication in God’s kingdom.

In light of the above a few questions come to mind. How do we effectively lead people whose lives are constantly affected by change? How do we lead with so many “moving parts” that seemingly remain in motion? What type of leadership qualities do you need to be effective in the 21st Century?

Below are a few starter thoughts for your consideration. We’ll be back later to expound more on Weathering the Storm: Leading in Uncertain Times.

  • Lead with God Confidence. Let uncertainty remind you that your trust (confidence) must remain in God, not your ability. You’ve been hand chosen to lead by God. You don’t have to know all the answers upfront, just the one with all the answers!
  • Lead Consistently. Don’t let changing times change you! People trust leaders who are consistent despite changing circumstances. In fact, they look for and to them specifically during times of change.
  • Lead Courageously. Remember your “why” when your “what” seems overwhelming. Ambrose Redman says, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear”. God’s “why” inside of you is far greater than the “what” before you!

Dr. Don is a Dream Strategist & Leadership Doctor who helps visionaries get where they want faster. He consults & coaches pastors to put winning strategy to visionary dreams. He is a highly sought after speaker and the lead pastor of the Canaan Church International located in Atlanta, GA where he resides with his wife of 25 years, Mona, and their three children Brandon, Chantelle, and Aaron. For more information on Dr. Don visit

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