NOW Herstory
We at NOW Leaders are positioning ourselves to be the #1 place leaders turn to, to meet their needs.



Since our humble beginnings working with leaders, NOW continues its mandate to see leaders operate at their full potential. The origins of our company came from our visionary, Donna McGowan, whose desire then, and now was to impacting leaders that impact lives.

With the Start up of NOW Leaders in 2000 for over 4 years Donna McGowan worked with pastors and their wives. NOW focused its efforts to meet the needs of the pastors’ wives working city-wide, crossing denominational and ethnical walls, providing a safe place where they came and shared their needs, receive counseling, training and development to increase their ability to more efficiently fulfill their foremost duty to self while impacting their ability and capacity to complete their family, church, and organizational duties. Our heartbeat for women remains strong then and now.

Our vision is to see women achieve total fulfillment, operating at their maximum potential to eradicate the hurdles of the past. Our vision continues to expand enabling us to reach out and touch the lives of women everywhere. More….

With the expansion of our non-profit arm Expanding Leaders Horizons NOW, Inc., in 2006 and the launch of our new website our commitment to leaders is even stronger today. We are positioning ourselves to be the #1 place leaders turn to, to meet their needs.

ELHNOW is a derivative of our (N.O.W) vision. Expanding Leaders Horizons NOW, Inc., is a Non-Profit Corporation recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3). NOW provides leadership, business, and social skills to empower leaders for impactful purpose in their lives and the lives of others.  ELHNOW also promotes capacity building in the management of the leaders financial and human resources to better meet their social purpose and have a greater impact on society.

NOW’s Focus of expansion: strengthening the livelihood of our community by impacting the lives of leaders that have a vested interest in the citizens in our community.


Business And Ethic Standards

Our company ethics, values, and beliefs are critical in the development of all our companies’ philosophies as well as our theology. NOW deems its responsibility to not only do our best but to impact others to live their best and create good living.



Our Company Values  To foster an environment in which we fulfill our moral economic duty to society by impacting positive change in the lives of those we come in contact with, including but not limited to our staff, volunteers, corporate partners, community organizations.

Our Beliefs – We believe in the power of:

Agreement – To agree to make a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with and be a part of a goal bigger than yourself.

Harmony – To simultaneously come together in an agreeable order to resolve, restore and realize a given task or purpose beyond our individual capabilities.

Oneness – One for all and all for one-maintaining a unique pursuit to achieve our goal with singleness of purpose. We will pursue our goal with unity of thought, excellence, integrity, and the utmost respect for each other and those that we serve.